- Taking and delivery of your ironing or cleaning orders in your workplace
- Washing of your car during office hours
- Repair jobs and solution for your domestic problems
- Wellness activities organised on the site of your company
Data Management Policy
EasyDay is committed to preserve the privacy of its members and visitors by processing personal data collected in accordance with the law of December 8, 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to data processing of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data of April 27, 2016 (hereinafter “the Regulation”).
When you answer a questionnaire or register on EasyDay, we may ask you for various information about you, such as last name, first name, e-mail address, physical address, etc.
Insofar as these data relate to an identified or identifiable natural person, this is "personal data" within the meaning of the Regulation and their treatment is subject to compliance with a certain number of rules, which will be dealt with in the section below.
1. Processing of your personal data
The personal data that will be collected by EasyDay will be processed in accordance with this Data Management Policy.
By using the services offered by EasyDay and/or by registering on its website, you agree with this data management policy for the processing of your personal data.
2. Data collected
EasyDay may collect directly from you or indirectly through partners, public sources, media, etc., the following data:
- Personal identification data such as surname, first name, e-mail address, physical address, telephone number, date of birth, age, sex, etc.;
- Professional data such as company name, registered office, VAT number, professional telephone number, professional e-mail address, function, status, representative's name, etc.;
- Financial identification data such as bank account number, name of the account holder, etc.
- Data relating to your interests, preferences and consumption habits;
- Data relating to your account and your activity on EasyDay, such as user name, password, user image, security questionnaire and answer to it, connection history, pages visited, searches carried out, etc.;
Data relating to your experience with EasyDay, such as notices, complaints, suggestions, remarks, testimonials, etc.
3. Purposes of processing your data
The information collected will be processed to allow EasyDay to:
- Conclude and execute contracts with its users (conclusion of subscriptions, order of products and/or services, billing, etc.);
- Treat the orders of its users;
- Offer an after-sales service and helpdesk to its users;
- Improve the ergonomics and the security of the website;
- Improve the EasyDay experience (optimization of our products and services, extension of our offers, etc.);
- Improve the marketing strategy and the marketing developed by EasyDay;
- Offer personalized services to its users (customization of ordered products, sending of advertisements and targeted newsletters (any profiling measure will be subject to additional information from EasyDay).
4. Sharing data
EasyDay may share the collected data with related companies, partners, suppliers and third-party companies for the conclusion and execution of its contracts and the access or processing of products and services offered.
When required by law, the sharing of your data will be subject to your prior authorization.
5. Securing the data
EasyDay takes the usual standard security measures (such as HTTPS protocol for its website, password hashes that prevents the recovery of these in clear, infrastructure and secure servers according to the latest standards in the field,...) so that can be reasonably avoided the loss, disclosure, misuse, unauthorized access or alteration of your personal data.
6. Data retention
EasyDay retains personal data only for the time reasonably necessary for the purposes pursued and in accordance with legal and regulatory requirements.
7. User rights
You will be able to consult, correct, delete and limit the use and transferability of your personal data collected by EasyDay, by means of a signed and dated written request sent to the address EasyDay SPRL - Bvd Paepsem 20 in 1070 Brussels or by email by clicking here, after having justified your identity (by attaching a copy of your identity card).
When data processing is based on your consent, you will have the right to withdraw your consent at any time.
You may at any time object to the use of your personal data for direct marketing purposes and the transmission of your data to third parties where these are not essential for the performance of the services offered by EasyDay.
You may at any time unsubscribe from EasyDay and request the deletion of all your personal data, unless the retention of these are required by law for accounting, administrative or other reasons. If you wish to unsubscribe from our site, please contact us by clicking here.
For any question and/or complaint, especially regarding the clear and accessible nature of this data management policy, the customer can contact EasyDay by email by clicking here or by mail to EasyDay SPRL - Bvd Paepsem 20 in 1070 Brussels.
The customer may also lodge a complaint regarding the processing of his data, with the Belgian Commission for the Protection of Privacy at the following address:
Commission for the Protection of Privacy
Rue de la Presse, 35
1000 Bruxelles
Tel. + 32 2 274 48 00
Fax. + 32 2 274 48 35
8. Applicable law and competent jurisdiction
This data management policy is governed by Belgian law.
Any dispute relating to its interpretation or execution falls under the exclusive jurisdiction of the French-speaking courts of the judicial district of Brussels.
9. Miscellaneous provisions
EasyDay reserves the right to change the terms of this data management policy at any time. The modifications will be published with a warning as to their entry into force on www.easyday.be.
This version of the Management Policy is effective and has been updated on May 23, 2018.
On-Line Payment
The management of the on-line payments is sub-contracted at the specialist company Ingenico e-Payment (previously Ogone S.A.) which has seasoned experience of payment on the Internet and solid references such as Base, DHL, Brussels Airlines, Thalys or Hilton. It has nearly 20,000 clients across 35 countries. You can consult the company’s website at the https://payment-services.ingenico.com/be/en.
When you make an on-line payment from the EasyDay website and it is confirmed by Ingenico e-Payment, your account is automatically and instantaneously reset.
We keep no data concerning the credit cards used during the payment: only the amount and the date of the payment are entered into our database.
General conditions of sale
1.1 Field of Application
1.1.1 These General Conditions of Sale apply to all of the services ordered by the client (hereinafter the “Client”) from S.P.R.L. EasyDay, of 20, Bvd Paepsem, 1070 Brussels, Tel.: 0032(0)2.325.81.71, e-mail: info@easyday.be - hereinafter “EasyDay”). These services are the “Laundry” services, the “Car-Wash” service, the “Wellness” service, the “Employee Assistance” service, the “Benefits and Ticketing Card” service, all more fully described on the EasyDay website, www.easyday.be (jointly referred to hereinafter as “the Services” and individually as “the Service”).
1.1.2 Certain Services are the subject of special clauses in addition to the General Conditions of Sale that apply to them. In the event of conflict between the two types of conditions, the Special Conditions shall prevail.
1.2 Price
The price of the Service is the one that is in force on the EasyDay website (www.easyday.be) at the time when the Client signs the Purchase Order.
1.3 Lead-Time
1.3.1 The lead-time for the performance of the Service communicated to the Client is indicative and can be altered by EasyDay for organisational reasons. It is always complied with to a maximum possible extent.
1.3.2 Delays shall never be able, under any circumstances, to justify a cancellation of an order, nor a claim for damages.
1.4 Payment
1.4.1 In the absence of contrary communication, every order shall be paid for in advance by crediting EasyDay’s bank account.
1.4.2 Post maturity interest at an annual rate of 12% as well as a penalty clause of 15% with a minimum of 50 euros shall automatically and without prior formal notice be applied to all invoices that are unpaid at the indicated due date. Any payment delay of more than one year for services with service vouchers will result in the conversion of the amount due in euro. Prices will be based on the official rates for the reimbursement of service vouchers to recognised companies valid on the date of conversion.
1.4.3 Any complaint relating to an invoice shall have to be transmitted by e-mail or by registered letter with acknowledgement of delivery to EasyDay within eight calendar days of its reception at the latest. Otherwise, the Client shall no longer be able to contest that invoice.
1.4.4 Any paid amount shall be able to be retained in order to pay any invoices remaining unpaid by the Client, be kept as guarantee, or be held on account for settlement of future invoices issued to the Client, unless the latter has expressly renounced all future use of the Services and that all of his, her or its invoices have been discharged, in which case the Client shall be able to require a reimbursement.
1.4.5 Every broached hour under the official Service Cheque system shall be due.
1.5 Right of Renunciation
1.5.1 If the Service Agreement is signed on-line or outside of the EasyDay offices, a Client who wishes to use the Service only for private purposes has the right to renounce his or her purchase, without expense or having to justify his or her renunciation, within 15 days of the date on which the contract was signed.
1.5.2 To exercise his or her right of retraction, the Client must notify to EasyDay his or her decision of retraction from the Service Agreement by means of an unequivocal declaration communicated by e-mail or by registered letter. A retraction model is available on the www.easyday.be website.
Download the retraction form by clicking here1.5.3 The retraction period is respected if the Client transmits his or her communication relating to the exercise of the right of retraction before the expiry of said retraction period.
1.5.4 In the event of retraction by the Client, EasyDay shall reimburse him or her for all of the pre-payments that have already been received, including the delivery charges (except for the additional expenses stemming from the fact that the Client had chosen, if applicable, a delivery mode other than the less expensive standard delivery mode proposed by EasyDay) without undue delay and in any event, at the latest, within 14 days of the day on which EasyDay is informed of the Client’s retraction decision. EasyDay shall proceed with the reimbursement via the same means of payment as that which had been used for the initial transaction, unless the Client expressly agrees to a different means. In any event, this reimbursement shall cause no expense for the Client.
1.5.5 If the Client asks for the service to be performed during the retraction period, he or she shall have to pay to EasyDay an amount proportional to that which had been provided to the Client until the moment when the latter had informed EasyDay of his or her retraction.
1.6 Service Performance
1.6.1 EasyDay guarantees that its services shall be performed according to the code of practice, and in accordance with the laws in force at the time of the signing of the Purchase Order or Service Agreement.
1.6.2 In the context of the performance of its services that involve a deposit, EasyDay shall be held to its obligation to restitute the deposit, subject to the cases envisaged in Clauses 1.7.1 and 1.7.2.
1.7 Liability Exemptions and Limitations
1.7.1 EasyDay shall not be able to be held liable for any total or partial non-fulfilment of its obligations, if this non-fulfilment is due to a fortuitous occurrence or to an element of a force majeure such as in particular, and without this list being exhaustive, flood, fire, storm, strike or theft.
1.7.2 EasyDay shall not be able to be held liable on account of third-party service providers when the Service that EasyDay performs is limited to a role of intermediary between the Client and a third-party service provider, even if the latter’s service is invoiced by EasyDay.
1.7.3 EasyDay shall under no circumstances be required to repair damage other than that which is the immediate and direct consequence of its fault, with the express exclusion, which the Client accepts, of any indirect damage, including in particular the loss of custom, turnover, data or profit.
1.7.4 In the event of the performance of a service involving a deposit, EasyDay’s liability shall be expressly limited to half of the amount of the purchase price of the item that is the subject of the deposit, without however this amount being able to be more than ten times the sum invoiced for the performance of the Service.
1.7.5 EasyDay’s liability shall only be able to be incurred if the Client addresses a complaint by registered letter or by e-mail to EasyDay within five working days of the performance of the Service.
1.7.6 Easyday’s liability is limited to the amount of the product that is ordered or the service that is rendered, excluding physical injuries resulting from any act or omission on its part
1.8 Confidentiality
1.8.1 EasyDay is committed to preserve the privacy of its members and visitors by processing personal data collected in accordance with the law of December 8, 1992 on the protection of privacy with regard to data processing Personal Data and the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data of April 27, 2016. The applied data management policy by EasyDay can be found on its website at https://www.easyday.be/priv/index.php?action=public_terms
1.9 Applicable Law and Competent Courts
1.9.1 Belgian law is applicable.
1.9.2 The courts and tribunals of Brussels are competent.
1.10 Wellness and Car Wash Services
1.10.1 Any cancellation of an order by the Client in the context of the particular Wellness and Car Wash Services must be notified to EasyDay at least 48 hours in advance. Failing this, the performance of the Service shall be invoiced to the Client and the sums already paid shall not be reimbursed.
1.10.2 EasyDay reserves the right to cancel performances of the Wellness or Car Wash Services in the event of insufficient registrations. The Client shall be warned by e-mail and shall be able to choose another available session, without additional expense.
1.10.3 The cancellation of a subscription by the Client shall never give rise to any reimbursement. In the event of cancellation of a subscription by EasyDay, the Client shall be entitled to claim reimbursement pro rata to the remaining unused sessions of the subscription, provided that said subscription has not expired.
1.10.4 The Client recognises that by subscribing to the Wellness Service, he or she is capable of exercising this sporting practice and undertakes not to hold EasyDay liable for the possible consequences of physical injury relating to that practice.
1.11 Laundry Services
1.11.1 The Client is entailed to have a “packaging” system delivered by EasyDay against payment of a guarantee, the amount of which is defined on the EasyDay website.
1.11.2 The guarantee shall be repaid by EasyDay only when the “packaging” is returned to it in perfect condition. Without prejudice to the foregoing, EasyDay reserves the right to refuse the restitution of packaging if it is returned more than a year after its delivery to the Client.
1.11.3 In the event of EasyDay’s liability, the Client accepts that EasyDay shall repair its fault, where this is possible, in kind rather than by equivalence. In this case, EasyDay shall be limited to the repair of the part damaged by its fault, at its expense.
1.11.4 EasyDay reserves the right not to treat a damaged part that would be difficult or impossible to repair. In this case, the performance of the Service shall not be invoiced by EasyDay.
1.12 Employee Assistance Service
1.12.1 In the context of the Employee Assistance Service, EasyDay, which is limited to an intermediary role, shall not be able to be held liable on account of third-party service providers.
1.13 Organic baskets deliveries
1.13.1 The organic baskets offered for sale by EasyDay are produced by La Finca, registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises with number 0847.428.127 and with head office located at 1970 Wezembeek-Oppem, Chaussée de Malines 71. Under no circumstances EasyDay will be considered as producer towards the client
1.14 Bread deliveries
1.14.1 The breads offered for sale by EasyDay are produced by Agribio-Färm SCRL, registered at the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises with number 0640 992 529 and with head office located at 1160 Brussels, Ch. de Wavre 1080. Under no circumstances EasyDay will be considered as producer towards the client